600 E. Florida Street
Greensboro, NC 27406
(336) 272-4505

UMC Equipping Seminars (Jan. 13, Jan. 27, Feb. 10)

Northern Piedmont District, Western North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church, is pleased to offer Equipping Seminars for pastors and local church officers who serve in these ministry areas: 

  • Pastor/Staff Parish Relations 
  • Finance 
  • Trustees 
  • Church Council 
  • Youth Ministry 
  • Archives and History 

The seminars will be offered three times in three different locations: 

  • Jan. 13, 3-5 p.m., at Mount Carmel UMC (Reidsville) 
  • Jan. 27, 3-5 p.m., Christ UMC (Greensboro) 
  • Feb. 10, 3-5 p.m., Christ UMC (Greensboro) 

All seminars are open to all local church leadership; attend one or more that best fits your interest, location and schedule. You will take just one call on a given date. 

Register online at wnc-reg.brtapp.com/NP2019EquippingSeminars so space can be planned accordingly. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call 336-282-3711.