Our first responsibility is to make disciples for Christ by nurturing our members. The goal of nurture is to help people develop an active relationship with God. As United Methodist Christians, by and through the grace of God, we are to be sanctified.
In addition, our mission requires us to teach to others and witness to the glory of God through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to make disciples for Jesus Christ.
With God’s help, we can achieve this through worship (8:30 am and 11 am, 10am on 5th Sundays), Sunday School (10 am), Vacation Bible School, Weekly Bible Study (Wednesday 11:00 am) Upper Room Weekly Bible Study (Thursday 1:30 pm), Prayer Team Bible Study (TBA), United Methodist Men, United Methodist Women, and United Methodist Youth Fellowship.
Our goal for worship is that it be exciting. We want persons to experience the presence of God in worship. It is our goal for persons to know that they have been in Church when service ends!
Our ministries include Boy and Girl Scouts on Saturdays, United Methodist Men on Second Saturdays at 8 am, and United Methodist Women meet monthly usually on Fourth Saturdays at 10am. The STEAM (science,technology,engineering,art,mathematics) program is held during the summer typically an 8 week program in June- July. Please see activity calendar for current year’s time frame. Additional ministries, i.e. Liturgical Arts Ministry and Creation Care are offered for all ages.
To receive more information, contact the Church office at 336-272-4505.